
Friday, November 11, 2005

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Amsterdam: Feburary 2005

Amsterdam was one of the study groups we had. was really good and bloody freezing. Above are some images from the sites we visited.

1= Was from one of the structure parks we visited. was not all that interesting and by the least exciting bit of the holiday all though they had nice food here. me and rach also had a good cycle on the bikes we rented out here.

2+3 = Dreisberg Nord was one of the sites was incredibly different but exciting especially for the future when the sites established. This area was foramly a factory in part of Germany's very industrail area. when it was later closed the grounds were turned into a park. and although its still young the area had potential with certain parts catering for children and other for various other entertainment.

5= Is from one of the parks in Amsterdam, it was quite interesting but a bit rushed due to the fact that we had to go home. the park/forest was built within a small housing area. and described a lot about natural sustainability.

6 = this photo is a pic of the centre of Amsterdam. also near where we were staying. i just really like this photo. i think it more scenic with the fact we just had a heavy snowfall and the area looked really crisp and scenic


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