
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Iv'e reached a block i just dont know what to do at the moment!
i think i need more inspiration to carry on with this project its beginning to get a bit daunting now! i have no idea how to present what jamie wants tomorrow and the way its going at the moment he's not going to get much other than whats in my sketch book. I really am lost at the moment! a few words of encouragment would be handy if any one has any, and any advice? .


  • If it's any consolation, I felt exactly the same last week! I saw your sketches on your blog a few days ago and thought they looked really good - I wish I could do something like that to show what I want to do. I hope you got some inspiration today from seeing everyone else's stuff pinned up - don't worry, I'm sure you'll get past this block.

    By Blogger Jackie Edwards, at 4:05 PM  

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