An article from Thames Gateway in 'The Times'
Thousands of houses are being built across Thames Gatewayina rea the size of Leeds. the challenfe is to provide gamily houses, starter flats and affordable homes in lively communites within easy reach of facilities, and to build communities that will last.
''We have to ensure that what we do today doe snot depreciate the quality of life for people in the future'' Alan Cherry chairman of countryside properties.
At greenwhich millenium village they are building nearly 3000 new homes including affordable housing for key workers, shared ownership schems and homes for rent. an example of this scheme in action is the Ingress park in Dartford Kent. One of the biggest challenges they face is flooding, the insurance industry say's that several thousand new homes in Barking, Dagenham, Havering and Woolwich will be at risk, homes below the thames barrier will aslo be at risk with tidal flooding. So with this a SFRA (Strategic flood risk assessment) was carried out, that analysed the level of risk and oriduced maps and information on area's of highest risk. Anne Robinson of the thames gateway london partenrship say's that they wouldnt risk vulnerable development such as hospitals on areas that are of greates risk therefore ground floors have been used as car parking spaces rather than living room space. The SFRA looked at extreme flooding when you get a combination of flood sige with high tide and heavy rain, they also say the other ground elvel spaces such as green spaced will be used to help soak up some this water.
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